Foto principal mural Bolboretas


Derrubando muros con pintura 2014

Bolboretas is an intervention with children´s motifs and a naive style. A girl plays with soap bubbles while butterflies get into them. Around the corner, a boy breaks the bubbles and releases the butterflies. According to the artist, the fact that the butterflies get into the bubbles seems like a magic trick, which is what the mural aims to do, that is, to bring a little magic to a village full of asphalt, greyness and bricks; in adittion, the painting wants to convey a feeling of freedom through the bubbles floating and butterflies flying. The artist painted directly over the bricks, using flat and strong colors.
“My first mural painting, Bolboretas, was a total experience as it meant going from working in small formats to a whole wall; it was a challenge. In hindsight, I would change many things but I appreciate the neighbours´ positive feedback while I was painting it.”

Foto mural Bolboretas, 1 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 2 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 3 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 4 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 5 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 6 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 7 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 8 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 9 de 10
Foto mural Bolboretas, 10 de 10

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