Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - FINAL

Pandemic costumes, vigilant neighbors and a single mother

Rexenera Fest 2021 – 7th edition

During the Rexenera Fest 2021, the Argentinean artist Franco Fasoli created a work closely linked to current affairs of the moment. The collective worlwide confinement due to COVID-19 crossed us all unceremoniously, like a sharp machete or multinational company. It affected all societies in the world, no matter the political color of the government, the country’s GDP, or the ruling politician. All of us suffered from the pandemic in one way or another. And during this period of lack of freedom there were many surreal events and different cases of attempts to avoid this mandatory quarantine, some with much inventiveness: humans disguised as dogs, dogs walking humans, humans walking humans, multiple and paradoxical fauna in an almost deserted asphalt jungle.

A new police force also emerged from behind some dark curtains, made up of the hostages of this collective misery, those called by some as balcony cops … And in parallel, the rest of the anonymous heroes and heroines had to get up on both back legs to combat the misfortune and move on no matter what. They had to avoid the tireless bug, put a plate on the table for their children or simply go out every day to work or buy bread.

Franco Fasoli brings us a particular vision of this situation that we had to experience, but in a fabulous way… He does reflecting on both senses of the word, adding an indirect, narrative perspective open to multiple interpretations and different readings. Without the intention of making us remember the drama, because you probably would not do it without this explanation that we narrate here, but with the idea of  reflecting on what happened from his particular allegorical language and his accurate point of view. The mural is located on Río Miño Street crossing Río Sil.

Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - FINAL
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - WIP
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - FINAL
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - WIP
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - FINAL
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - FINAL
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - WIP
Disfraces de pandemia, vecinos vigilantes y una madre soltera - Mural de Franco Fasoli JAZ - FINAL

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