Foto principal mural Os veciños

Os Veciños 2

Rexenera Fest 2017 – 3rd edition

Cordal’s miniaturisation contrasts with the large mural’s magnificence, a moving piece that conveys the individual’s loneliness immersed in the urban environment and the capacity of large population centres to devour difference, to homogenise customs and rites and to feed uprooting’s slow demise. Although it may hurts us, unfortunately all the big cities resemble each other and the singular and the local aspects are often relegated.
On this occasion, Cordal broke with his series of miniaturisations generated with Cement Eclipses and he created for Rexenera’s festival third edition another series of three characters on a larger, almost human scale, strategically placed on balconies without doors and windows, in the heart of the town, submerged in the isolation of the building and the town, stoically bearing the weight of the urban spaces’ existential dehumanisation.
Thus “Os Veciños”, the specific installation Cordal created for RexeneraFest 2017 and that can be found in two different areas of the town, was made in record time in situ during the festival; based on polystyrene, resins, and other materials, it conveys all these feelings about the common space, the contemporary city and the alienation we are subjected to as a community.

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Foto mural Os veciños 2, 7 de 7

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