Foto principal mural Masterclass Aerosol

MasterClass Aerosol de POWONE

Rexenera Fest 2017 – 3rd edition

Vigo’s Powone is one of the graffiti pioneers in Galicia and a veteran expert in the complex aerosol technique, with a long career behind him and with multiple murals in his hometown as well as in many Galician cities and elsewhere in Spain. His work goes directly from photography to the mural, without tricks, neither filter nor a card, a process Powone feels comfortable with and handles accurately, using the spray as an essential tool to achieve very expressive and thorough finishing touches.
In this masterclass, participants fully immersed in this complex technique, understanding how it works and learning, in a practical way, the process of transfering to the wall the realistic finishing of a photograph with the artist’s advice and help.
This activity was created and aimed at a visual arts related public related to the visual arts, with some type of arts experience and training.
In the workshop, which took place on the back walls of the old Carballo Bus Station, a large and colourful, realistic and grand fox was created.
The result of the workshop can be seen on Romero de Lema Street.

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