Santi Picos
Santiago Picos Díaz

Tooltip Text España (Carballo)
Santi Picos was interested in drawing from a very young age and his creative training began early, attending artistic drawing courses at Carballo’s Youth House. In 1996, aged 11, he received the Galician Contest of Visual Arts Third Award.
He never stopped drawing and completed the Humanities Baccalaureate and then the Upper Cycle of Illustration at the Pablo Picasso Art School (A Coruña).
He has experience in both solo and collective exhibitions, and has attended courses and workshops in order to enhance and further his artistic knowledge.
As Santi says, for him training and learning are part of an ongoing and long process; everything he knows about the techniques, the supports of the works, the historical moments that gave rise to the different artistic movements….are a very small part of what he would like to know.
In the drawings of this young graphite pencil artist, there is always a strong surrealist charge (“almost everything I draw is linked to the universe of dreams and I search a dreamlike visual language…I like other techniques, such as watercolour,acrylic, oil, gouache, ink, sanguine but I feel more comfortable as a surrealist drawer”).
As artistic and literary influences, he mentions Urbano Lugrís, Salvador Dalí, Hyeronymous Bosch, Varó Uranga, Durero, Goya, Yves Tanguy, Velázquez (not in terms of style, but in terms of the atmosphere that his work conveys), Kris Verwimp, Frazetta, Chirico, Luis Seoane…. and also Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Niezche, Ciorán, K. Gibrán, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Aristotle, Plato, Soren Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Unamuno, Alberti, Lorca, Anxel Fole, Blanco-Amor, Álvaro Cunqueiro…