
Arantxa Recio Parra

Harsa Pati - Rexenera Fest 2021

Tooltip Text España (Zaragoza)

Arantxa Recio Parra (Zaragoza, 1979), aka Harsa, was attracted to art from a very young age thanks to her older sister, who planted in her the seed of curiosity and the desire to create like all those artists that she contemplated and admired. As an adult, Harsa has become a multidisciplinary artist working for years for a wide range of creative projects, and brands. Her work is closely linked to contemporary illustration, with clear references to popular culture and illustration from the 50s and 60s.

She diversifies her work between collaborations with advertising agencies, publishers, exhibitions, and art festivals. Her works have appeared in many different areas (publishing, advertising, book covers, packaging, fashion, design, etc.). She has published in Spain, Mexico and Argentina and has also exhibited in Italy, Austria, Scotland and Croatia.

She has also participated in numerous street art festivals and collaborated with top brands and clients.

TELEPHONE: 981 702 077     MOBILE: 698 156 402     MAIL: turismo@carballo.gal

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