Andrea Michaelsson
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BTOY (Andrea Michaelsson) is an urban artist from Barcelona, internationally recognized for her work using the stencil technique. He began his artistic career in 2002 and you can find his work mainly on uneven surfaces. He adds to her pieces pollution and advertising waste using bricked doors and walled-up windows which become her ideal frames. Her characters stop and stare at us, making us reflect on the passage of time. Portraits -especially of women- with a strong nostalgic charge, are shaken with brushstrokes full of strength and color.
She has exhibited her work in different cities such as Barcelona, Paris, London, Bergamo or Jakarta. In London, in addition to exhibiting on Pictures On Walls, she took part in 2008 in The Cans Festivals, organized by Banksy. She helped prepare various murals and installations in one of the Waterloo station tunnels. In Carballo he left his mark through the works created during a masterclass at the Rexenera Fest 2017.