All the murals of the Rexenera Fest 2020

Aug 13, 2020 | Arte urbano, Derrubando muros con pintura, Rexenera Fest

Discover the finished works of this year’s festival and find wild animals, realism and surrealism, irony, denunciation or even the moon

After more than 10 days of work from sunrise to sunset, the Rexenera Fest 2020 has left five new large-format works for the open-air museum that Carballo has grown to be. Xoana Almar, Sabek, Elisa Capdevila, Reskate Studio and Sokram  are the artists who have turned all their creativity into other five murals in which we can find the sea, the land, the rain, nature, irony, realism, surrealism, Galician culture …

The images (that you can see in the Gallery below) speak for themselves, but we always recommend that, if possible, you admire them in person. They are impressive!

Here you have the list of authors with the titles and the locations. Enjoy!

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